Bill (SB 1016) to Disaggregate Health Data for Latine and Indigenous Communities in California, Reintroduced
Co-Sponsors and Supporters to host a virtual campaign launch on February 27th, 10:00AM FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Adriana Mandujano Communications Associate, MICOP Telephone: (805) 978-2532 Email: adriana.mandujanoangel@mixteco.org (Sacramento, CA) – On Monday,…
MICOP is honored to receive a generous grant from The Fund of Santa Barbara
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Oxnard, California: January 12, 2024 Contact: Adriana Mandujano Angel Mixteco/Indigena Community Organizing Project Telephone: (805) 978-2532 Website: www.mixteco.org Email: adriana.mandujanoangel@mixteco.org On December 2, 2023, The Fund for…
Farmworker lives are not disposable, but are treated as such! Las vidas de los campesinos no son desechables, ¡pero son tratadas así!
For Immediate release: November 09, 2023 Andrea@causenow.org, Senior Policy Advocate (CAUSE) Adriana.mandujanoangel@mixteco.org, Marketing and Communications Associate (MICOP) In the last 3 months, our community has been impacted by two tragic…
Date: October 6, 2023 ALRB Contact: Jessica Arciniega, Regional Director (831) 241-8493 Jessica.arciniega@alrb.ca.gov MICOP Media Contact: Adriana Mandujano Angel, Communications Associate (805) 978-2532 Adriana.mandujanoangel@mixteco.org (en español abajo) 3H Custom Farming,…
WE COUNT! Policy Forum on Data Equity for Latinx and Indigenous Communities in California (Virtual Webinar)
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Robert Nunez, rnunez@lchc.org [Sacramento, CA] – On July 6th, at 11:00 AM, we will be hosting a panel style policy forum on data collection and disaggregation for Latinx subgroups and…
MICOP to Receive Part of Historic Funding, Announced Today by Esperanza United and Mujeres Latinas en Acción, Going to Hispanic and Latin@ Culturally Specific Community-Based Organizations Providing Domestic or Sexual Assault Services
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Adriana Mandujano AngelPhone: (805) 978-2532; Email: adriana.mandujanoangel@mixteco.org Esperanza United to distribute the funds, which come from the federal 2021 Family Violence Prevention & Services Act (FVPSA) and…
MICOP Launches 11th Annual Tequio Scholarship Program
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 10, 2023 Media Contact: Adriana Mandujano Angel Mixteco/Indigena Community Organizing ProjectTelephone: (805) 978-2532Website: www.mixteco.org Email: adriana.mandujanoangel@mixteco.org The Tequio Scholarship Committee of the Mixteco/Indigena Community Organizing Project (MICOP) publicly…
Farmworkers Who Picked Driscoll’s Strawberries in Oxnard File Suit Alleging Stolen Wages
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 17, 2023(en español abajo)Media Contact:Alexx Campbell, Attorney, Legal Aid at Work, Phone: (415) 593-0062; Email: acampbell@legalaidatwork.org Adriana Mandujano Angel, Marketing and Communications Associate, MICOPPhone: (805) 978-2532; Email: adriana.mandujanoangel@mixteco.org…
Bill (SB435) to Address Health Disparities for Latinos and Indigenous Communities in California Passes First Committee
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASECONTACT: Robert Nunez, LCHC Cell: (805) 815-7730 rnunez@lchc.org Vanessa Teran, MICOPCell: (805) 978-6892vanessa.teran@mixteco.org The bill introduced by Long Beach Senator Lena Gonzalez, in partnership with CBDIO, CIELO, LCHC & MICOP will…
MICOP is honored to receive generous grant from The Fund For Santa Barbara
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Adriana Mandujano Angel Mixteco/Indigena Community Organizing ProjectTelephone: (805) 978-2532Website: www.mixteco.org Email: adriana.mandujanoangel@mixteco.org MICOP is honored to receive generous grant from The Fund For Santa Barbara On November 7, The…
The Oaxacan Indigenous community demands the resignation of Los Angeles City Council members: Gil Cedillo, Kevin de León, and Nury Martinez
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Oaxacan Indigenous community demands the resignation of Los Angeles City Council members: Gil Cedillo, Kevin de León, and Nury Martinez Los Angeles, CA – October 12, 2022…
Expansión del programa neo-bracero – ahora llamado – H2A. No representa un beneficio para los trabajadores del campo
Media contact: Karl Kramer, Campaign Co-Director, San Francisco Living Wage CoalitionPhone: (415) 863-1225 office, (415) 509-9712 cellEmail: dignitycampaignmigrantjustice@gmail.com FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 8, 2022 Expansión del programa neo-bracero – ahora…
For the Farmworker community, the H2A program does not represent a benefit for farm workers, if not quite the opposite.
Media contact: Karl Kramer, Campaign Co-Director, San Francisco Living Wage CoalitionPhone: (415) 863-1225 office, (415) 509-9712 cellEmail: dignitycampaignmigrantjustice@gmail.com FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 8, 2022 For the Farmworker community, the H2A…
California Leaves Out Thousands Who Face Rising Food Insecurity
Media Contact:Betzabel EstudilloSenior AdvocateNourish California(323) 213-9511Email: betzabel@nourishca.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASECA Set to Remove Exclusions to Food Assistance for Older Undocumented Californians, But Leaves Out Hundreds of Thousands Who Face Rising…
VENTURA COUNTY, HEALTH CARE AGENCY INVITES APPLICATIONS FOR:Communication and EngagementManager0452HCA-22AA (LC)An Equal Opportunity Employer SALARY RANGE (approximate)$40.21 – $56.30 Hour $6,970.00 – $9,758.00 Monthly $83,640.00 – $117,096.00 AnnuallyThis posting is…
Day 3 – Farmworkers Strike J&G Berry Farms
Contact Information:Media Contact:Ana HuynhProgram DirectorMixteco/Indigena Community Organizing Project110 S. Lincoln StreetSanta Maria, CA. 93454Cell: (805) 940-5526Office: (805) 623-5862Email: ana.huynh@mixteco.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FARMWORKERS STRIKE J&G BERRY FARMS SANTA MARIA, CALIFORNIA,…
Farmworkers Strike J&G Berry Farms
Contact Information:Media Contact:Ana HuynhProgram DirectorMixteco/Indigena Community Organizing Project110 S. Lincoln StreetSanta Maria, Ca. 93454Cell: (805) 940-5526Office: (805) 623-5862Email: ana.huynh@mixteco.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FARMWORKERS STRIKE J&G BERRY FARMS UPDATED SANTA MARIA,…
Inauguración de la Ventanilla de Atención Integral a Pueblos Originarios e Indígenas de México en el Exterior (VAIPOIME)
El Consulado de México en Oxnard y el Programa de Recursos para Trabajadores Agrícolas de la Agencia de Servicios Humanos del Condado de Ventura tendrán un evento de inauguración para…
Farmworkers Strike Acquistapace Harvesting Inc.
Contact Information:Media Contact:Ana HuynhProgram DirectorMixteco/Indigena Community Organizing Project110 S. Lincoln StreetSanta Maria, Ca. 93454Cell: (805) 940-5526Office: (805) 623-5862Email: ana.huynh@mixteco.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEFARMWORKERS STRIKE ACQUISTAPACE HARVESTING INC. SANTA MARIA, CALIFORNIA, April…
Environmental Justice Youth Leaders To Host The Second Annual “Other Strawberry Festival”
Dignity Campaign Launches Educational Webinar Series: “Legalized Slavery Then and Now: The Bracero Program and H2A”
Media contact: Karl Kramer, Campaign Co-Director, San Francisco Living Wage Coalition Phone: (415) 863-1225 office, (415) 509-9712 cell Email: dignitycampaignmigrantjustice@gmail.com March 18, 2022 5:30PM PST, 7:30PM Central Time, 8:30PM Eastern…
Safety Net for All Coalition Launches Statewide Campaign to Pass AB 2847, Unemployment Benefits for Excluded Immigrant Workers
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 3, 2022 Sumeet Bal, Communications Director, California Immigrant Policy Center 917.647.1952 sbal@caimmigrant.orgHayley Burgess, Communications Manager, California Immigrant Policy Center, 626-497-2341, hburgess@caimmigrant.orgMarco Montoya, (909) 728-3805, mmontoya@warehouseworkers.org SACRAMENTO…
The Central Coast Climate Justice Network Announces Network Manager
For Immediate Release Contact: Michelle Sevilla, Network Manager Email: manager@cccjn.org Cell: 805-770-1857 Amid Climate Week, Organization Enters New Phase of Growth September 24, 2021 SANTA BARBARA – As regions…
MICOP Celebrates 20 Years!
Dear MICOP friends and familia, We at MICOP hope 2021 continues to find you safe and well! As we continue navigating the heaviness of the COVID-19 pandemic we would like to offer…
$500,000 Grant Awarded to Local Non-Profits WEV and MICOP
$500,000 Grant Awarded to Local Non-Profits WEV and MICOP for the 2021 Social Entrepreneurs for Economic Development (SEED) Program The California Labor and Workforce Development Agency and the Employment Training…
Tequio Scholarship Application Now Open
Tequio Scholarship Program Launches its Ninth Year! The Tequio Scholarship Committee of the Mixteco/Indigena Community Organizing Project (MICOP) publicly announces the release of their college scholarship application, supporting Indigenous migrant…
Monthly Community Meeting
MICOP’s monthly community meetings are a great place to get involved and meet the MICOP staff and community members. Each meeting has a theme where we share information that is…
Voz de la Mujer Indigena
MICOP’s Blue Shield of California Foundation training program, Voz de la Mujer Indigena, accepts only survivors of domestic abuse into this peer promotora program. All 10 trainees are graduates of MICOP’s domestic violence support…
EDD & America’s Job Center de California (AJCC) comparte una variedad de trabajos locales en la costa central de CA en la agricultura. Solicitantes de empleo pueden llamar a los…
MICOP envía las primeras tarjetas de asistencia al inmigrante DRAI – MICOP sends off the first DRAI immigrant assistance cards
Recientemente, el Departamento de Servicios Sociales de California (CDSS por sus siglas en inglés) autorizó a la Organización Comunitaria Proyecto Mixteco/Indígena (MICOP por sus siglas en inglés) en apoyar a…
Estafas relacionadas con DRAI/COVID-19 | DRAI: Scams related to DRAI/COVID-19
Estimada Comunidad, Le escribimos para informarle sobre estafas relacionadas con la asistencia del programa de Ayuda para Inmigrantes por Alivio de Desastres (DRAI)/COVID-19 que están dirigidas específicamente a la comunidad…
Actualización de DRAI – DRAI Update
***Actualización de MICOP/ Update from MICOP*** Estimada comunidad de los Condados de Ventura y Santa Bárbara, La Organización Comunitaria de Proyecto Mixteco/Indígena es una organización que ha estado sirviendo…
FOR IMMEDIATE DISTRIBUTIONApril 8, 2020Media Contacts:Juanita Cabrera Lopez – International Mayan League, Washington, D.C., juanita@mayanleague.orgOdilia Romero – Indigenous Front of Binational Organizations (FIOB), California, odiliar@mycielo.orgBlake Gentry – Indigenous Language Office,…
Puestos de Trabajos en la Agricultura
America’s Job Center de California (AJCC) comparte una variedad de trabajos locales en la costa central de CA en la agricultura. Solicitantes de empleo pueden llamar a los números listados…
Medi-Cal To Expand Eligibility To Young Undocumented Adults. But Will They Enroll?
By Ana B. Ibarra, California Healthline November 20, 2019 Starting in January, young adults can sign up for California’s Medicaid program regardless of immigration status. But a fundamental question looms:…