How Mexicans in the United States Can Still Participate in their Country’s Elections

By: Miguel Hernandez
(Listen to our audio in Spanish and Mixteco, Guadalupe Nundaca Variant, 7 min)
As we enter the new year, 2024 is already projected to be one of the most influential years in terms of politics. For Mexicans living in the United States, there are many misconceptions about their ability to participate in foreign elections. But, the National Electoral Institute (INE) has made the act of Mexicans voting from consulates in the United States easier than ever. To participate in the June 2, 2024 elections, Mexicans in the United States will have until January 15 to request their voter ID credential and until February 20 to renew it. They will be able to vote electronically, by mail, or in person at any of the consulate offices in California, which include Los Angeles, Fresno, Santa Ana, and San Jose. No appointment is required to process a voter ID card, and it is completely free. Only a birth certificate, identification, and proof of address are required.
With more than 37 million Mexicans living in the United States, making up 60 percent of the Hispanic population, their participation in Mexican elections is essential. The foreign vote for Mexicans is a fundamental political right for individuals who, during the course of migration, had to find a new home but still have social and economic ties to their native country. However, acquiring registration for Mexicans living in the United States can benefit in other ways.
The lack of documentation for newly arrived migrants in the United States creates a crucial problem that can limit social mobility. Without an official ID, a person cannot access essential resources such as opening a bank account, acquiring a driver’s license, or applying for health insurance.
Although for some migrants, there is no relevance in participating in an election where they are no longer living, the voter ID card can be a link to social mobility. But it is extremely important to make your vote and voice count.
Javier M Medina, an activist at the credentialing campaign, comments, “It is essential that our community exercises its right to vote if the government of Mexico is granting it because right now in Mexico and the United States, we are a nation, but we are still impacted by the social and political affairs of Mexico… If we don’t vote, we don’t count.”